Hulu gay movies

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In March 2022, the final title was set as Crush with a release date set for April 29, 2022, on Hulu. Rowan Blanchard and Auliʻi Cravalho were cast as the leads shortly afterward, and shooting began in the Syracuse area of New York that summer. Sammi Cohen identified with the project, initially called Love in Color, and signed on to direct. Jes Tom as Aya, Gabriela's on-and-off partner.īy July 2021, Kirsten King and Casey Rackham had written a script based on their own life experiences, telling a LGBTQ story that would show more queer joy growing up rather than the tales typically told simply about coming out.Megan Mullally as Angie Evans, Paige's mother.Aasif Mandvi as Coach Murray, Miller High School's track coach.Teala Dunn as Stacey Clark, Dillon's girlfriend.Tyler Alvarez as Dillon, Paige's best friend who's dating Stacey.Isabella Ferreira as Gabriela Campos, Paige's crush since childhood, AJ's twin sister, and co-captain of Miller High School's track team.

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As Paige and AJ's relationship develops, Paige finds herself in a dilemma over whom she should be pursuing. Not knowing anything about track, her coach assigns her teammate AJ, Gabriella's sister, to train her. Paige is a high-school artist who joins her school's track team just to get closer to Gabriella, the girl she has a crush on.

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